everyone!!!! Happy Easter what a week!!! So we now have another family
to teach!!!! The sister missionaries met a family 6 months ago they had
the discussions once it did not go well but they love the sisters so
they have become good friends with them. Well they said I could pracitce
teaching with them and it became soooo much more then that. I told them
about the first vision and the spirit was VERY strong. The dad agreed
to have the family kneel down and pray, read the intro of the bom, and
watch conference!!! He refused those six months ago but he is allowing
himself and the family to know more its so amazing!!!
Then we had extra time so we decided to go tracting ickkkky.
Well my companion said to choose a street I looked at a street and had a
very strong feeling that we needed to go to that neighborhood the first
two houses did not go well but then we knocked on a door and this sweet
old lady opened the door and let us in. She said her son was mormon and
that she always loved our temples. We have an appointment with her
tomorrow so I hope it will go well :)
Easter was
incredible!! The members had an amazing easter sacrament meeting then we
watched a talk from Bruce R mcckonkie at the end. Then after dinner we
had a feeling that we needed to go home. My companion and I live with a
member named Sister Cannon. about a year and a half ago her husband went
on a hike and never returned. at the same time a forest fire happened
so they think he burned but their not exactly sure... So anyways we went
home and we talked about the atonement and what it has in our lives and
then we watched the lamb of god and the testaments which are incredible
movies about christ. I miss you all but I have survived a month of the
mission :)))))). Love you all - Sister Worthington
What an amazing girl, huh? We are so proud of her! Oh wait, I need to add a few more exclamation points for Maddy!!!!!! :)