Monday, August 19, 2013

This Week's Email from Sister Worthington

Hey everyone so this week had its ups and downs but overall was an amazing week. Tuesday we found a less active at our apartment complex who has been struggling lately. She just survived breast cancer and has been really depress since then. So we taught her about the atonement and talked to her about it. We then saw 2 less actives that night and a rm named Bree came with us and they both went very well. The spirit was very strong there. Wednesday we went and saw an investigator. We taught her the 1st lesson and when we were telling her about the great apostacy (shes been apart of many different churches) she asked if the scriptures were different in every religion because of the great apostacy. we told her yes and we told her the first vision and she cried. We asked her if she would get baptized and she told us yes!!! We then saw a less active that night and she was telling us about her past that she was abused growing up and I told her about my experiences growing up and we connected very well and it went well.  Thursday we went and saw a lady with 3 daughters who are less active due to their last ward being not so nice to them. And it went really well her and her daughters came to church sunday. Friday I started to have really bad anxiety so we went to the elders and they gave me a priesthood blessing and it got me well prepared for the day. we went and saw the investigator who said yes to baptism she started to read the bom and she prayed about it and said she knew it was true and said yes to baptism on setember 14. We then went and saw a lady named nancy and her 2 daughters. Their from Iraq and the mom only speaks Arabic but we were able to teach the daughters which was a rough lesson. The member we brought with us brought her 2 year old son and she started to breastfeed him during the lesson!!!!!! It was so distracting and akward none of us knew what to do. But we survived. Then Saturday was looong, Nothing good happened. All appointments fell through, it was a long day of no one being home. Then yesterday at church our golden investigator came to church and she loved it. And then a lot of less actives came to church it was great. We ended the night teaching a less active and it went extremely well. And now heres to another week love you all

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