my area is super awesome. Its like a non stop petting zoo. Ive petted a
donkey, chicken, horse, and more its been super fun and my area is
gorgeous!!!!! I seriously love my area!!!! So after I emailed you all
last week we went to zone sports and I spent most of the time on the
stage writing letters their all finished its just getting them sent off
now. But afterwards we had dinner and the elders had the same dinner
appointment so my companion and I were waiting for the elders when we
saw a chicken at the church yard. My companion was bored so out of
nowhere my companion started to chase the chicken it was hilarious.
After dinner we tried a bunch of families but the hard thing of our area
is most of it is dirt roads, with no address name and if you do find it
none of the houses have house numbers so we tried a bunch of people but
no such luck :(
Super slow day :( We tried a bunch of people but literally no one
opened their door it was super frustrating but we kept going we were
able to share a message with a non member which was the highlight of the
day but otherwise it was a super slow day.
Almost like Tuesday but better!!! We were able to go to a less actives
house and share a message with the mom and while we were there her
teenage daughter came home and talked to us. She was super cute and we
found out later that the young women have been working with her to get
her active again. But they were super fun and we found out that the
daughter loves to cook so we working to find a way to help with that. On
our way out we saw a guy outside so we stopped to talk to him but he
turned out to be a bible basher
he went on forever. We finally were able to get away but man he went on
FOREVER!!!! We later went to a less actives house which was pretty
interesting we had no idea what she was even talking about. She said her
daughter was in the hospital but then her daughter walked in. We then
found out that she has dementia and Alzheimer's which explained a lot.
She talked about the Jehovah witnesses ALOT and told us that she said no
to baptism with them. So it was pretty interesting... Later that night
we saw a less active named Sister Hassel shes pretty awesome. we are
going back for lunch tomorrow we are excited and we are hoping to get
her back to church.
So Thursday is set apart for planning but the elders showed up and
asked if we could go with them to do service. We told them yes so we
went with them to a less actives house. So we went and helped build a
fence with them.
it was pretty fun. They had
chickens, ducks, and horse that loves to follow you. I pretty much fell
in love with their horse. After that we worked on our weekly
planning for the rest of the day.But then we also saw a part member
family. The wife who is not a member was really fond of us and told us
to come back so on Halloween we will be teaching her the 1st lesson.
Afterwards we went looking for some houses on our way we ran into people
and were able to give out pass along cards it was pretty nice.
Friday- We had
district meeting. My district leader gave us a topic and told us to talk
about it. They gave the the holy ghost which luckily was my farewell
talk so I felt pretty prepared but then our zone leaders and the
assistants walked in. I was freaking out but it went well and they said I
did a good job so phew. After that meeting we went and taught one of
our investigators. Their names are Josephine and ross alredite. The
elders found them 2 weeks before we came into the area. They told the
elders that they are struggeling so the elders gave them priesthood
blessings and they were super impress by it and have been doing better
since then. When we got there ross had to sadly leave for work but we
stayed and taught Joesephine the plan of salvation and she was super
impress by it. She told us about her son who just got out of prison
after 16 years!!!!! And she said that he wants to change his life and
that might be the way so we are hopefully meeting her son this weekend.
At the end we asked her about baptism and she said she wants to learn
more before she decides. Afterwards we went back with the member that
went with us and she showed us her craft room and she shared with us her
life story it was pretty cool. That night was pretty slow but overall
pretty good day.
was good. We had lunch with the RS president and we got info on our
area. Afterwards we tried 2 less actives that let us in!!!! it was
awesome it was the first time that we were let in everytime we knocked
on the door. After dinner we went to a Halloween party where a bunch of
less actives were and met and talked to them.
Sunday- meetings,
meetings and meetings but it was good and we tried a bunch of people
but no such luck :(. But we are going to keep going this week and make
it good. I love you all and hope all is well..
But I want to write some advice to you all to help those who are preparing for missions
Planning- That I absolutely HATE. But there are ways to make it fun so
some advice that ive heard from missionaries to make it fun is. 1) Food.
Either go get some fast food from somewhere near by, get ice cream, my
companion and I bake some baked goods during lunch and then eat during
planning. Have a picnic..., 2) play church music as you do it that way
your not completely bored.
people- Be Visual as you teach. Have pictures, if your teaching the
plan of salvation MAKE SURE that you have some sort of visual to make it
more understandable for example drawing it having cards. ect. Also
videos help to Mormon messages are awesome so if you can buy the Mormon
messages, or any other video that the church or your mission president
approves USE it!
day- Make it fun!!!! A lot of missionaries sleep on it but seriously do
something fun. if your allowed to spend time with other missionaries do
it! Play sports with them, go to a zoo, just do anything fun.
missionary work is not just sitting and teaching you can do other fun
things with it. Missionaries have birthday parties for members or
investigators, there were some sisters that had a movie night with an
investigator they watched Legacy and had popcorn and candy. Get creative
and fun on your mission. Even our prophet laughs and has fun. So have
fun I love you all. and have a great Halloween.
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