Monday, July 8, 2013

Week of the 4th

Dearest Family,

So the work is literally growing everyday. Due to miles we walk everywhere. So people see us walking everywhere. Plus it's easier to approach people so we've been handing out a lot of pass-along cards. Our investigator Melinda is growing and progressing every day. She's making tons of friends with the members, and she's attending every week. It's really exciting. Tuesday was a really cool day a family asked us to come by and teach a non-member family about God's love and the spirit was really strong. We have no idea how interested they are but we hope they will someday. Also an awesome miracle happened. My last companion and I received a referral of a less active and so we tried to contact him but his gate was always locked. So we finally counted him as a contacted. Well the ward gave us a list of 23 less actives to see and he was on the list. So we went by and his gate his gate was unlocked and he was home! So we were able to get his number to schedule a time. It was amazing!

I love you all!


Sister Worthington

p.s. Also I was over at a member's house and her mom and sister were there and they live in Meridian!!! So they will be bringing a box of stuff to you guys!

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